What is the pool builders’ reputation in the community?
Do you know someone who has used the same company with good results? If not make sure the pool builder supplies you with a number of references.
How does the pool builder treat you as a potential customer?
How many pools have they built?
Ask the pool builder if they have ever had a pool company under another name or in another city.
Make sure the company gives you a clear formal quote of what will be on the pool so there are no hidden costs.
How long will it take to build the pool barring weather issues?
Will the pool builder add hidden costs when the construction process starts?
Is the pool builder financially stable?
Does the pool builder carry general liability insurance?
Will the pool builder keep your property clean and safe during the construction process?
Will the pool builder finish your pool and that is the last you see of them or do they continue helping you in the future?
Ask if the pool builder provides service and repairs. Builders that provide service will generally enter into construction with a different attitude than those that don’t. Service-oriented builders will think of your pool as one phase of a long-term relationship with you.
What are the warranties and is my investment protected?
Warranties are very important. At Trinity Valley Pools and Spas, we provide you with the strongest guaranties in the swimming pool industry. We are confident in the product we build and we back it up. Always ask for and compare the warranties when requesting estimates from pool builders. Remember your warranty is only as good as the company that issues it. At Trinity Valley Pools and Spas we are your warranty station. You don’t have to go through some equipment manufacturer to get something taken care of, Trinity Valley Pools and Spas will take care of it for you. Many pool builders go out of business every year and if their gone so is your warranty.
What about advertising promising pools at very low prices?
You can have a pool built at a low price. But you should be aware that to build a low cost pool, equipment, structural elements, craftsmanship, and design are all compromised. Remember the old adage you get what you pay for.
Why is there such a cost difference between some pool companies?
A lot of factors go into determining the price of a pool. It’s more than the size and shape of that pool. Unfortunately, many pool builders don’t include important factors that affect cost in the actual estimate they give you. This means that you can get hit with hidden charges after construction has begun. Some important things to consider are:
What cost factors affect the cost of swimming pools?
Construction costs for the pool do not vary greatly from pool to pool. Prices can be affected by what features you want to add to the pool, ease of access onto your property, demolition requirements prior to construction, and local permit costs. The size and shape of the pool affect the cost but not as much as you think.
Is it hard to get financing on a pool?
No. Many people have discovered they can get a new pool by merely using the equity in their home and converting it to cash. Trinity Valley Pools and Spas works with quite a few banks to help you in this matter.
How should I decide on the design of my pool?
There are many factors involved in designing a pool. The first and most important is what you the customer wants to see in your yard. Trinity Valley Pools and Spas will send a design specialist to visit with you and listen to what your dream is and help you in designing that dream. The design specialist will look at your yard and make suggestions to go along with the layout of your property. They will ask questions concerning how you intend on using the pool. Questions like, is exercise important, how about family use, or where would you like the pool located. They will take measurements and drawings of your yard in order to help them in the design and location of your pool. They will take all this information back to the office and prepare a formal presentation and quote. At that time the design specialist will contact you for a meeting at your house or his office to go over everything. Trinity Valley Pools and Spas would then be honored to be chosen to build your pool.